Hillyard, Resilience® Floor Finish

Resilience will help you make the most of your cleaning staff's efforts and your maintenance budget in high-traffic areas where high gloss is always a must. It is ideal for large retail outlets, malls, large supermarkets, or any facility where high traffic and high levels of appearance factor into the floor care program.

  • Advanced polymer system provides a long lasting shine

  • Floor shine will stand up to repeated propane burnishing

  • High DOI (Distinctness of Image) provides a wet-look shine in high traffic areas

Formula Size UPC


Ingredients that appear on a California Cleaning Products Right to Know Act Designated List or are fragrance allergens included on Annex III of the EU Cosmetics Regulation No 1223/2009 are indicated by the DL symbol.

Solubilizes or dissolves at least one other substance to form a solution.
Imparts shine or gloss to a surface.
Imparts shine or gloss to a surface.
Solubilizes or dissolves at least one other substance to form a solution.
Imparts shine or gloss to a surface.
Aids in film formation to impart a shine or gloss to a surface.
Imparts shine or gloss to a surface.
Solubilizes or dissolves at least one other substance to form a solution.
Preserves products from bacterial spoilage during transit and storage.
Preserves products from bacterial spoilage during transit and storage.
Improves the flow and leveling of a product.
Controls foam in product