Hillyard, Discovery 20® Floor Finish

If you live with a restrictive maintenance budget that does not allow for frequent buffing and lack sufficient cleaning staff to keep your facilities looking their best every day, then Discovery 20 can help. It is formulated to maintain its shine longer with everyday traffic with less work. Because of Discovery 20's excellent durability, it is idea for schools and small office buildings. The result is a program designed to optimize your cleaning resources and the appearance of your facility, saving time and money.

  • Maintains shine longer even with everyday traffic

  • Ideal for schools and small office buildings

  • Excellent durability saving you time and money

Formula Size UPC
HIL0052406 4 - 1 Gallon Containers 780458004224
HIL0052407 1 - 5 Gallon Bag-In-Box 780458004231
HIL0052409 1 - 55 Gallon Drum 780458004248


Ingredients that appear on a California Cleaning Products Right to Know Act Designated List or are fragrance allergens included on Annex III of the EU Cosmetics Regulation No 1223/2009 are indicated by the DL symbol.

Solubilizes or dissolves at least one other substance to form a solution.
Imparts shine or gloss to a surface.
Imparts shine or gloss to a surface.
Solubilizes or dissolves at least one other substance to form a solution.
Imparts shine or gloss to a surface.
Aids in film formation to impart a shine or gloss to a surface.
Preserves products from bacterial spoilage during transit and storage.
Preserves products from bacterial spoilage during transit and storage.
Improves the flow and leveling of a product.
Controls foam in product