Green Select Dish Detergent 30

In accordance with EPA Safer Product Standards criteria , Green Select Dish Detergent 30 is formulated from the safest possible ingredients. Green Select Dish Detergent 30 is formulated with green polymers, detergent builders, and a non-caustic base. Works in hard water and rinses easily with no caustic film. Green Select Dish Detergent 30 is packaged in accordance to EPA Safer Product Standards criteria. With Green Select Dish Detergent 30 you can go "green" without sacrificing performance. Institutional kitchens, schools and helthcare facilities

  • Safe Packaging

  • Water conditioners

Formula Size UPC
HIL030040000 1 GLL


Ingredients that appear on a California Cleaning Products Right to Know Act Designated List or are fragrance allergens included on Annex III of the EU Cosmetics Regulation No 1223/2009 are indicated by the DL symbol.

Solubilizes or dissolves at least one other substance to form a solution.
Binds hard water and other minerals to allow the cleaning actives to perform more effectively.
Supplies and maintains alkalinity to assist in cleaning.
Binds hard water and other minerals to allow the cleaning actives to perform more effectively.
Binds hard water and other minerals to allow the cleaning actives to perform more effectively.
Imparts color to the product.
Imparts color to the product.
Imparts color to the product.
Imparts color to the product.
Imparts color to the product.